Sub Zero (Kuai Liang)
Kuai Liang, Chinese.
One of the last living Cryomancers, Grandmaster of the 'Lin Kuei' clan of warriors.
Kuai is the younger brother of Bi Han who previously wore the mantle that Kuai now has, the one named 'Sub Zero'. Once years ago he was called Tundra, but after his death at the hands of Scorpion he decides to take up the mantle of Sub Zero before going out in search of revenge for the wrongful death of his brother after his death at the hands of the Netherealm spectre.
Currently he is dedicated to directing his clan in defense of Earthrealm and the innocent, for a long and difficult time he maintained a long deadly enmity with Scorpion until Shirai Ryu himself returned to the path of good, for this reason he managed to achieve an alliance with the same.
Although certainly, Liang does not just see him as one more of his allies.
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6 mon ago