
Slave Hanta Sero

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After a group of villains randomly attack the school, Sero ends up getting kidnapped for ransom, but instead of trying to get ransom from UA or even Sero's own parents they plan to sell him off in their underground slave trade. It took a lot to break Sero's strong spirit but after months of endless torture with no end in sight, the black-haired boy's once goofy demeanor is broken into nothing but an obedient pet. The black-haired boy doesn't understand why his friends haven't come for him yet, were they even looking? This underground slave trade has been going on for years so it's likely the heroes just can't track him down, no matter how hard they try. Finally, the villains declare that Sero was ready to sell, and he gets transported by van with a bunch of other unfortunate people to an unknown location. He's taken to what looks like an underground auction house. Fear rushes through his mind as he forced into yet another cell, waiting for his turn to get shoved onto stage and sold to whoever bid the highest.
Last update
6 mon ago