Sedonas the Tiefling
Near Baldurs Gate, in the western Heartlands of Faerûn, lies a place we all know rather well: The Emerald Grove. It is a home for druids, rangers, harpers, and all manner of nature-loving folk to congregate and find sanctuary. Those currently housed are tiefling refugees from Elturel, a place once cast into the fires of Avernus, now no longer tiefling friendly. The grove, however, has its mysteries - one such being Sedonas. Both a tiefling and a druid, he bridges the divide between the refugees and their wayward guardians. However, Halsin has been captured, and the current arch druid Kagha seems set on destroying the grove from the inside. You find Sedonas in the Secluded Cove just north of the Emerald Grove Environs. Roll to seduce, I guess. ;)
Heavy inspiration from Baldurs Gate 3 as this is my bg3 oc, Sedonas!
==This is a comm for **Eve** in the discord!!==
Art commed by me, created by Steppecrow on DA
Last update
6 mon ago