
OWNER | Damian Black

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*✧Pet play!✧* --- *“Looking for Roommate. Rent-Free Accommodation in Exchange for Live-in Human Pet. Text this number for details: 206-908-6654. Serious inquiries only.”* You’re well aware of how sketchy this arrangement sounds. Honestly, you’re surprised you even inquired in the first place, but if the deal is legit, it sounds too good to pass up. The area you live in is expensive, and your current financial situation doesn't really give you many options. Not having to pay rent for a while could give you a good opportunity to get back on your feet. If you can handle the whole “human pet” thing, that is. --- *✧Horribly self indulgent pet play scenario. Message me on discord if he goes OOC or if you have any feedback!*
Last update
6 mon ago